Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dream About Baby Taking Bath


How many times we found ourselves at a crossroads of our lives not knowing what to do? How many times have we been doubtful, indecisive and insecure?
But unfortunately says Ernest Hemingway as " We must get used to the idea: the most important crossroads of life, not signs there. "
There is no sign, no signal to tell us what we do or not, we are always having to choose and understand what is right for us.
In every moment we face intersections, roads that are open and others that are closed temporarily for work in progress or in an irreversible manner. There is nothing to worry is simply life. A continued meeting / clash of streets, a labyrinth in which, in reality, we like to lose and then find ourselves at the end with those who want to be.
And sometimes afraid to make decisions, especially those most drastic for our lives. Of course it would certainly be much easier and less challenging if someone shows us the direction to follow the path that will lead us to be happy and to be realized as a people: but resign ourselves, there really is none.
We decide, we are the only and sole masters of our lives and our choices, indeed we are our choices. Often, however, is difficult to know what our path, that's right for us, the one that best represents us, in fact the right one.
It 's hard also because we do not understand what we really want , do not we focus on what really matters to us, losing between short-cuts, and round-sac streets that only distance us from our true goal. Instead dobbiamo avere il coraggio di scegliere, di assumerci le nostre responsabilità, di rischiare di sbagliare e di affrontare le conseguenze qualunque esse siano.
Signori miei, come si dice "non c'è trucco, non c'è inganno", ma solo strade da seguire, vedere, affrontare, conoscere e lasciare se sbagliate. Il solo trucco, forse, sta nel cercare di avere  sempre la giusta bussola  in tasca.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Funny Wedding Card Sayings

Simple Uploaders for Alfresco

NOTE: translation of the original article in English Uploaders simples en alfresco of Zylk.net . Thanks to Toni for reporting this article.

One of the most interesting features of the Alfresco ECM is the variety of protocols that allow you to authenticate and perform actions on the repository, through shared network drives or other APIs. This is mainly due to the use of standard, medium and long-term becomes a clear technological advantage over other more closed stack, and allows integration with all sorts of third-party tools. Among these protocols (and APIs), we can highlight: WebDAV, FTP, CIFS, NFS, IMAP, REST, SOAP e CMIS.

Ignorando le unità di rete CIFS e NFS e lasciando da parte per ora il metodo di caricare i dati tramite e-mail, possiamo creare uploaders tramite numerosi protocolli quali WebDAV, FTP, o REST con poco sforzo. Ad esempio, con il comando curl posso utilizzare il canale FTP come segue:
   curl -T sinadura3.tgz ftp://alfie.zylk.net/Alfresco/sinadura --user cesar:secret   
O meglio ancora, usare il canale WebDAV , che può garantire più sicurezza:
   curl -T sinadura3.tgz https://alfie.zylk.net/alfresco/webdav/sinadura --user cesar:secret   
Un'altra opzione layer is to use REST with a little script that calls curl to send the file in question:
  # / bin / bash # 

# Alfresco upload script with CURL by LouiSe@louise.hu

# # Usage : alfresco_uploader.sh

# #. / alfresco_uploader.sh / tmp / some.pdf somes documentLibrary somedir

ALFRESCO_SERVER = "http://alfie.zylk.net:8080/alfresco"
USERNAME = "cesar"
PASSWORD = "secret" #

CURL_VERBOSE =- v =- s =
FILENAME = `basename $ 1`
MIMETYPE = `file - brief - mime-type = $ 1`
UPLOAD_SERVICE_URL ALFRESCO_SERVER {$} / service / api / upload

echo "Uploading $ {FILENAME} ($ MIMETYPE) ALFRESCO_SERVER to $ {}"

CURL_VERBOSE} {$ curl-k-X $ CURL_METHOD} {\\
- user "$ {USERNAME }":"${ PASSWORD} "\\
-F Filedata = @ $ 1-F siteid =" $ 2 "-F containerid =" $ 3 "\\
-F uploaddirectory =" $ 4 "\\-F filename =" $ {FILENAME} "\\
-F ContentType = "$ {MIMETYPE}" "$ {UPLOAD_SERVICE_URL} \\
with a little script in python (with libraries
#! / Usr / bin / python import
from cmislib.model CmisClient
from sys import argv CmisClient client = ('http://alfie.zylk.net:8080/alfresco/service/cmis',' cesar ',' secret ') repo = client.defaultRepository someFolder repo.getObjectByPath ('/'+ = argv [2])
someFolder.getTitle ()
someFolder.getProperties ()
somefile = open (argv [1],' r ' )
someDoc someFolder.createDocument = (argv [1] = somefile contentFile)

or the equivalent in PHP: require_once

$repo_url = "http://alfie.zylk.net:8080/alfresco/service/cmis";
$repo_username = "cesar";
$repo_password = "secret";
$filename = $_SERVER["argv"][1];
$repo_folder = $_SERVER["argv"][2];

if ($repo_username == "alf_ticket") {
   $client = new CMISService($repo_url, null, null, array ( $repo_username => $repo_password ));  } else { 
$client = new CMISService($repo_url, $repo_username, $repo_password);

$myfolder = $client->getObjectByPath($repo_folder);
$ File = fopen ($ filename, "r");
$ contents = fread ($ file, filesize ($ filename));
$ fi = new finf (FILEINFO_MIME, '/ usr / share / file / magic');
$ mime_type = $ fi-> buffer (file_get_contents ($ filename));

fclose ($ file);

obj_doc $ = $ client-> createDocument ($ myfolder-> id, $ filename, array (), $ contents, $ mime_type);

Hunter Douglas Blinds Vs.bali Blinds

Hessa Hessa Both

My Sperm Is Yellowish And Smells Like Fish

How to create ringtones for iPhone with iTunes if the menu does not give the option "create AAC version"?

Tutti noi conosciamo il metodo per creare gratis suonerie per iPhone tramite iTunes 10, la rete è zeppa di istruzioni al riguardo. Ma cosa fare se quello che ci si presenta al clic del tasto destro del mouse è un menu SENZA l'opzione "crea versione AAC"?

Semplice! Andiamo nel  menu "preferenze" e clicchiamo su "generale", "impostazioni di importazione": 


Ora modifichiamo "importa utilizzando" e selezioniamo "codificatore AAC"

Confermiamo e chiudiamo. E come per magia.....

Ora non ci resta che seguire gli altri punti delle istruzioni!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hunter Douglas Blinds Vs.bally Blinds

Create the MySQL database for Alfresco Alfresco

E 'can proceed to create the MySQL database for Alfresco as follows:

1) Set MySQL to UTF-8

Edit / etc / mysql / my.cnf adding default -character-set = utf8 in the [mysqld] section:
# # ...

# default-character-set = utf8

2) Restart mysql, usually via / etc / init.d / mysql restart
  3) Login as root: mysql-u root-p 

4) perform following commands (assuming it has been previously created a database 'alfresco' with user 'alfresco'):

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON .* TO alfresco alfresco @ localhost IDENTIFIED BY ' alfresco ';
GRANT SELECT, LOCK TABLES ON .* TO alfresco alfresco @ localhost IDENTIFIED BY' alfresco ';


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Are Mens Stomachs Bigger Than Womens

Demonstration of solidarity for the peoples of North Africa also in Alghero

full press release:

spontaneous A committee of citizens, it is formed in towns and on the social network facebook under the name of solidarity with the peoples of the Maghreb, where not now when? .

In just over a week the group has a strong membership, now about 600 members who have joined the mobilization to organize a march in Alghero of solidarity for the peoples of North Africa. The recent violence against the people who bravely rose up against the decades-long yoke of their despotic leaders (not just in North Africa but also in China, Yemen, Oman ...) have led many citizens to question the serious lack of protection human rights and the desire for democracy and freedom beyond the Mediterranean. The Committee, spontaneous and free of party affiliations, have joined the citizens' associations in many religious and civil, and political movements of opinion, the Faculty of Architecture of Alghero and individuals who choose to meet for a moment of reflection, witness and commitment civil. The event si svolgerà giovedì 3 marzo con raduno e partenza da Piazza Sulis alle ore 18.30 , il corteo silenzioso si svilupperà nel centro storico cittadino per terminare con un sit-in in Piazza Teatro. Letture e musica etnica arricchiranno il momento comunitario nella piazza d’arrivo e daranno l’opportunità a tutti i partecipanti di intervenire con spunti di riflessione sui temi della mondialità e della peace.

The event is logically connected to Demonstration for the Rights of Migrants of Sassari held Tuesday afternoon in Sassari and many cities of Italy.

The event aims to involve sensitivity to Alghero and different affiliations, joining participants in the shared objective of protecting human rights, the dignity of peoples and mutual respect. The prolongation of the violence in Libya should not in any way lead us to become accustomed to the tragedies taking place, leading us to consider them as inevitable and far. For this reason, the spontaneous group will continue to work, not relegating the march Thursday in an isolated event but rather enhance it to support a strong reflection of Alghero and proactive in our community about our company, prepared to send military and humanitarian aid throughout the world, but often unable to understand their responsibilities in what is happening in our neighboring countries, but also in the door of our house.


Fermiamo il massacro in Libia. Pane, lavoro, democrazia, accoglienza.

Il Mediterraneo dei gelsomini”

C’è una Italia che si riconosce nella lezione di coraggio e dignità che arriva dal mondo arabo.

Il profumo dei gelsomini arriva anche nel nostro paese, anche nelle barche piene di giovani con la loro domanda future.

The message he brings with him tells us that it is not required to suffer the theft of the future, the seizure of democracy, nor the hunger for bread, work and freedom.

We confirm that you can take back control of their destiny, and together write a new history for their country and the world.

shows that the wind of change can be lifted where it seems even more difficult.

Today blows from a region of old and new colonialists robbed, oppressed by corrupt officials and sold, raped by war and terrorism, too often disputed, divided and humiliated.

Alzare la testa si può, anche quando costa immensamente caro, come il prezzo che il popolo libico sta pagando in queste ore per aver sfidato il dittatore.

Siamo tutti coinvolti da ciò che accade aldilà del mare. Le speranze e i timori, i successi e le tragedie delle sollevazioni arabe disegnano anche il nostro futuro.

Viviamo conficcati in mezzo al Mediterraneo ed è da qui che è sempre venuta gran parte della nostra storia.

Non possiamo restare in silenzio, …

Uniamo le nostre voci per chiedere la fine della repressione in Libia e in tutti gli altri paesi coinvolti dalla rivolta dei gelsomini, from Yemen to Bahrain as far afield as China.

to support democratic processes in Tunisia and Egypt, and the dismantling of the old regimes.

To strengthen democratic civil societies emerging from years of hiding and exile.

policies for real dialogue between cultures and to promote "cultural rights" of the people involved.

The revision of the unequal and unjust arrangements imposed by our economies to the previous regimes.

To the end of occupation and wars throughout the region.

To close the season of rejections and externalization of borders, the season of war migrants.

We want to migrants on the southern shore is, in this situation exceptional, immediately granted the status of temporary protection.

We can not accept that the reaction to Italian and European democratic revolutions in the Arab world and the construction of a wall of military ships at sea.

are adding to the dead in the streets these days is still too many, died at sea. It's time to say enough!

I ask everyone to sign this call, to make it run, to be heard

First signatories:

Andrea Camilleri, Luigi Ciotti, Margherita Hack, Dacia Maraini, Moni Ovadia, Igiaba Scego