Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Briggs And Stratton Throttle Cable Diagram

EMC: trade interesting

EMC Title: Trading Opzioni EMC Dec06
Opening Date 29/12/2006 ($ 13.29)
B1 B1 13 Apr07 Apr07 13 Put

Max Risk: $ 145.00

Rational Input
A friend of mine who ProfitSource (a tool for the analysis technique based on wave theory elliot), said that EMC would go under $ 13 by the end of March.
Ok, but since the VI is low, I buy a straddle

exit strategy:
Wait until late March, however, then go close to not lose too much time value.
If I make a profit before I try to consolidate, reducing the risk.

I do not have long to wait.
On January 10, in fact the title arrives at 14:36, and my 13th call I am going to straddle the profit.
What to do? Profitsource trust in, and decided to terminate the call and remain with the put, the more so at this point is a free-trade risk.

summary: Put a

13 Min $ 35 profit
Current Profit: $ 55

On March 7, I get a better idea: since I put expires in April, I can do about it? The answer
'.. YES. Trading Opzioni EMC Mar07
EMC and 'to 13.05, sell a put option on March 13, and transform it into a calendar ATM, free trade.

The March 16 put option expires ITM in March of 0.01 cents (12.99)!
and are exercised ...
Not bad I took all the credit of the put option sold and I still put in April. If on Monday following a disaster were to happen (gap) would be protected.

But it is not. On Monday I can sell the underlying at 13.07 and close the position PUT.
Total profit of the trade: $ 90 in less than 3 months


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