Sunday, March 15, 2009

Chetna Prithvi Mysore Mallige Exams Period

What should you do if your heart belongs to two parts so different and incompatible, that the only things they have in common and your boundless love?
What should you do if you lied and so in contrast that makes the strike, and your heart screams two completely opposite things?
who listen when everything seems to push the one hand, and so push with equal force and conviction on the other?
I will find out the best solution one day ....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What Style Of Weave Does Rihanna Wear

uncertainties materialize

what reality is, and what dreams.
How to understand the thin line that separates them and dstingue, if the dreams are part of us, sometimes more of reality, so they are not more real than reality itself? If
figment of the imagination and reality of our limited material senses, how can we believe that cecmente that is the only truth?
when our own senses are so easily altered by the smallest trifle, how can we base all our certainties about something so ethereal and vacuous?
dreams are the only certainty, because they have no foundation in the material world.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Any Good Slow Juke Songs

reflections midnight

what I learned?
I learned to laugh and smile when the only thing I wanted to do was cry and hide.
I learned to be strong;
I learned not to judge, or your guest one day judge you, I learned
che quando non ce la fai più e ti vuoi solo fermare, devi stringere i denti e continuare, 
perché la vita non aspetta che tu riprenda fiato, e raccolga i tuoi cocci, continua imperterrita;
non ho imparato a non cadere, a non sbagliare; ma ho imparato a rialzarmi velocemente, a leccarmi le ferite, e andare avanti, in ogni condizione;
ho imparato che le ferite fisiche in qualche modo passano sempre, quelle mentali mai, e quelle del cuore sono difficili;
ho imparato ad ascoltare solo ciò che volevo;
e ho imparato a mio malgrado, che a volte bisogna sopprimere il cuore, o lui sopprimerà te;
ho imparato che non puoi scegliere i sentimenti a living, but only if you want to live them (all) or not;
I learned that fate and a bitch for better or for worse;
and life and a mirror, cruel, brutal, real, sincere, but that if the smile she always repay you;
as you hide that you're always naked, and you seem like the most pathetic, and missed opportunities of your life;
and run as far and fast, will not be enough, only one waste of time;
that the problems seen by Lost seem insurmountable, but up close they really are pathetic;
that life does not have to wait, she is always ready and be at your side;
I learned to love and to suffer;
and I learned that there are two sides of same coin, one would never exist without the other;
I learned distance, afar, the posting
I learned that the same thing that makes you look like part of something, it automatically makes you unique, and is the same thing that makes you a stranger in the midst of your fellows;
I learned about diversity, loss, loneliness;
I learned that if I feel lonely and you too together we can be alone together, and this makes us all feel much better;
but mostly I learned that it will stop but to learn.