Monday, January 10, 2011

Mens Brazillian Montreal


Tutti cerchiamo l'amore e lo cerchiamo a tutti costi perchè siamo come  calamite in cerca del polo opposto, siamo come attratti da quel pezzettino mancante nel nostro puzzle, da quell'altro piccolo tassello che ci permetta di funzionare meglio. Ma si cade nell'errore quando si rincorre l'amore per forza, quando ci si illude di vederlo anche dove non c'è, si finisce allora solo con ritrovarsi a terra a raccogliere i cocci. 
Love, like everything beautiful, do you want .. but do not despair ever, will come along, and then change everything. And not because we do or say things we might see some sentimental or birds singing sweet melodies, no love is something more concrete, more tangible, you immediately feel like a vice in the stomach.
When he finally comes knocking at our door, we recognize him because we will find someone to complete us, someone who makes us dream merely whispered little words to the ear, someone who forget about the world around us when we are with him, someone who tells us that He loves us gently and softly, that makes us feel important only provide a few little extra attention and that with simple gestures make us understand what he feels. Love is not easy and when you're in love, there is always a bit afraid because it becomes more fragile, more vulnerable and more exposed to shocks, but not to be given up. At the bottom is normal, opening up to someone else, you inevitably risk of being more disappointed and hurt feelings, but always worth the risk. Because when you're with him, when you look in your eyes when you're in his arms, when suddenly takes your face in his hands, there is no feeling in the world more beautiful. When you fall in love, there are no words to explain, only feelings.
looks like a spring sun, it seems the pungent smell of seawater, it seems that the freshness of rain, the smell seems Lavender, looks like a summer evening, it seems the smell of hot coffee, cold sand appears on the skin, looks like a sincere smile, looks like a kiss, it seems a race on the beach, looks like the color of the sea, it seems the sound of a lullaby, like a hug, it seems that in heaven there are one thousand fireworks.


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