Monday, December 22, 2008

Programming My Io Remote

Trading in opzioni FAQ

D: E' vero che le opzioni sono un investimento rischioso?
R: Certo! Ma anche l’acquisto di azioni o di fondi comuni è un investimento rischioso: l’importante è avere gli strumenti right to manage the risk. With the purchase of shares is the only possible strategy is to hope that the title will grow in value, perhaps by making the "stop loss" to limit losses if the market goes against our expectations. With options you can draw at will on their risk profile to gain if the market rises, falls or stands still and change the risk profile of an operation if the market goes against our expectations.

Q: For trading in options I have to stay all day in front of the PC?
A: The trading in options is a low-stress way! Once you set your strategies to keep them under control with just a few minutes a day.

Q: Why is it best to operate on the American market?
A: In the U.S. the options are a popular tool to protect investments in shares, which are available on more than 8,000 titles and many options are "cash" that is bought and sold very easily! To give a better idea, a company listed on the Italian market are less than 400, and among these, securities options are less than 40.

Q: I need a very large sum to begin with?
A: The most valuable asset is knowledge: first to make real money you need to capture the methods and tools and try them on "paper money ". Once confidence in their abilities, you can start with the capital base required by the broker, from $ 3,500.

D: The courses are given indications of investment?
A: Absolutely not! On site and in our courses we illustrate tools, methods and strategies for success in the financial markets, so you can monitor your own level of risk on individual transactions and holdings. With these tools anyone can make their own assessments, implement their own investment choices and take responsibility with their own risks.


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