Friday, October 29, 2010

Does Meclizine Have A Shelf Life


Curiosity can sometimes even be a kill. As you may be curious when you know something? How much we are willing to give? There are things for which, even to know them, we would be willing to do just about anything. There are things that we simply can not help but know, things that encourage us to go beyond all limits, things that haunt us, we fear: things we need to know. After all the curiosity in itself is not anything wrong, but the problem arises when curiosity turns to obsession, in craving to know absolutely something that we can not control because it becomes stronger than us.
The curiosity to know what is hidden from us, what we fail to understand, of what is hidden there, what our eyes can not see, can be up to corrode. And it's a long slow corrosion, which digs a little bit at a time. But in the end what goes beyond our desire for knowledge at all costs? Do we really want to know everything? Not really. Why sometimes some things are not much better know them. And when they finally find something that we wanted to know for so long, we think it would be better not to have ever known. Why is and always will: the man contradicts himself and we do every day without realizing it.


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