Monday, February 28, 2011
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Saturday, February 26, 2011
How Many Monsters Can A Kid Have
The new Alfresco installer will install BitRock for the product together with all ancillary components (JVM, Tomcat, MySQL, OpenOffice, Imagemagick, ...) very easily and quickly.
But often you need to install Alfresco on a machine that has no GUI, but which can only be accessed remotely via the terminal in characters, such as ssh and scp. In this case, either you give up using the installer and instead proceed to the manual installation and configuration of all the individual components, or you can easily continue to use its text mode installer. Below is a description how to proceed.
In our case, we describe a particular installation on a remote server
Ubuntu Linux 4.10 (Lucid) 64-bit. (
1) Download the installer (or
Community Enterprise) for the operating system and make it executable chmod + x alfresco-enterprise-installer-3.4.0-linux-x64.bin
2) Display available from the command line, using the parameter - help ./alfresco-enterprise-3.4.0-installer-linux-x64.bin - help
A list of options:
The option that interests you- mode \u0026lt;mode>
. The default mode is
./alfresco-enterprise-3.4.0-installer-linux-x64.bin - text-mode - installer-language giving it sending part of the installation process, which poses a series of questions about the components to install and use on ports. Since in this demonstration we decided not to install Alfresco as root but using a normal user, you must select ports above 1024. Normally, on a test or production environment, it is good practice to create a dedicated user and group for Alfresco, by providing the necessary privileges to use all ports.
The home screen:
mauri @ ubuntu10-laptop: ~ $ ./alfresco-enterprise-3.4.0-installer-linux-x64.bin - Text mode - installer-language en
want. Click Next when you are ready to continue.
MySQL: Y (Can not be edited)Java: Y (Can not be edited)
Alfresco: Y (Can not be edited)
SharePoint [Y / n]: y
Records Management [Y / n]: n Web Quick
Start [Y / n]: y
Web Project Management (AVM) [Y / n]: n
Quickr Connector Support [Y / n]: n
OpenOffice [Y / n]: y
The selection and 'correct? [Y / n]: y
We proceed with the selection of doors, after choosing the option "Advanced" menu in the Installation Type:
--------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----
Installation Type
[1] Easy - Installs servers with the default configuration
[2] Advanced - Configures server ports and service properties
Choose an option [1]: 2
Here you must choose a folder where to install Alfresco and MySQL database if you use the attachment, or an existing installation. In this case we prefer to use MySQL on Ubuntu, so you can manage yourself
------------------------------- --------------------------------------
Installation Folder
Please choose a folder to install Alfresco Enterprise.
Select a folder [/ home/mauri/alfresco-3.4.0]
---------------------------------------------- -----------------------
Database Installation
Please select Which database configuration you wish to use. If you select an existing database Should you configure the application before running the Alfresco Alfresco server.
[1] I wish to use the bundled MySQL database
[2] I wish to use an existing database
Choose an option [1]: 2
E 'Note that the JDBC URI proposal The default is false. Replace then later in the configuration file
jdbc: mysql: / / localhost / alfresco? UseUnicode = yes #38 characterEncoding=UTF-8
& characterEncoding=UTF-8 Procediamo quindi fino alla fine, rispondendo alle domande poste. Alla fine partirà il processo di installazione vero e proprio
Il programma d'installazione e' pronto per installare Alfresco Enterprise sultuo pc.
Vuoi continuare? [Y/n]: yln-s / usr / lib / jvm / java-6-sun java the start Alfresco will use this instead of the integrated JVM, if that's what you want. Make sure that this is but one version of JVM from among those certified and supported, or may cause problems.
Attendere prego, mentre Alfresco Enterprise e'installato sul tuo computer.
0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%
Al termine della procedura è necessario andare a controllare che il file sia configurato correttamente (è il file più importante e si trova sotto
tomcat/shared/classes ). Da notare che è raccomandato che MySQL sia configurato per usare il charset UTF-8. Per la corretta configurazione e creazione database are available online
excellent guides. Wanting to use a JVM other than bundled with Alfresco, you can rename the folder such as Java present in the Alfresco installation folder, then create a symbolic link to the JDK already on your machine. In this case, having installed the latest Sun JDK for Linux and having $ JAVA_HOME = / usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun you can issue the following command:
file tomcat / bin /
can then be edited to change the JAVA_OPTS
and optimize (knowing exactly what you're doing), the parameters of the Java Virtual Machine. To get started you should first read a good document topic.
finished, to start Alfresco, it is useful to have suffered an eye on the logs, then you can run the following command:
. / start: tail-f tomcat / logs / catalina.out
UPDATE: I added the instructions to create the database mysql
Friday, February 25, 2011
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Alghero students demonstrating against the provincial plan for downsizing of schools.
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Statement by Marco Mura (Student Resistance Alghero) on the provincial plan on the school
Monday, February 14, 2011
Clipart Of Micrometer
These are the slides of the presentation of Alfresco Enterprise 4.3 online webinar taking place during the February 14, 2011.
will soon be available on Alfresco complete recording audio and video in Italian Webex session: Alfresco Enterprise 3.4 ita
Sunday, February 13, 2011
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service on the event "If not now when?" Alghero.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
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Bad Blood By Calanthe
Friday, February 4, 2011
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Today, February 3, 2011, in Naples near Piazza Cavour, was attacked by a fellow Students Union of Fascists and a dozen tore the posters that said "The leader we are" that some day adorn the walls of the center. Asked by one of them "What are you doing?" Comrade claimed anti-fascist nature of our Constitution. At that point, was surrounded and attacked with fists and slaps in the face. Aggression that bears witness once again the cowardice of those who move in the shadows and attacks against 1 in 10 of those who profit from the global crisis to raise his head, protected by a government through its policies only serves to legitimize these vile attacks. We assert our nature Antifascism and then invite the students and all citizens to reject the existence of fascist and neo-fascist groups in our city.
Antifascism NAPOLI!
Unione degli Studenti Napoli
Unione degli Studenti Campania
Link Napoli
Rete della Conoscenza Campani a
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
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is the new television program and is led by former La7 Hyena Sabrina Nobile.
In a time when the work has become increasingly precarious and unemployment is growing more and more (reaching 28.9% *, + 2.4% compared to November 2009) the television network of Telecom Italy has had the " brilliant" idea to create a format, produced by the production company Verve Multimedia, which allows you to win a permanent contract at a company.
The program takes place in this way: the number of companies will choose to take after an interview in the studio, a candidate from which three will be assigned precisely the agreement indefinitely.
short, one of the few TV networks that still was not sharp fall in the reality or the like, will broadcast a program that will certainly be revolutionary.
is a sign of a society that sees anything with the eye of the profit, of commodification and spectacle.
work, that our Constitution enshrines the right as well as the foundation of our Republic, do not have one more per meriti, ma in base a quanto si "buca" lo schermo.
E pazienza se hai passato tutta la giovinezza a studiare per preparati al meglio, non solo per essere un cittadino che pensa, ma anche per il mondo del lavoro, perché tanto ormai, il lavoro lo si vince. Come lo si vinceva in un noto supermercato, lo si vince in tv.
Quanto ancora dobbiamo cadere in basso? Quanto ancora le persone devono diventare merce? Quanto ancora dobbiamo venderci?
Tutto è profitto. Lo è la scuola, lo sono i diritti dei lavoratori, lo è anche il diritto al lavoro.
E l'ultimo esempio eclatante sono i ricatti subiti dai lavoratori Fiat per opera di Marchionne.
Dobbiamo chiarire something. These are the effects of a moral crisis and political system.
Indeed, everything comes from a systemic crisis. From a political-economic system which, as I wrote, its only objective is to make profit. It is capitalism.
We must oppose this disintegration of society. We must oppose an economic system like capitalism, which has the effect to bring out the soul of the cruelest people. To enrich the few and impoverish the many. To lose the dignity to those who want only that it be granted a right: to have a job.
Marco Mura
* Istat indicates that youth unemployment in December rose to 29%, compared to 28.9% in November
also available on: http://fgci- spref = fb