Thursday, February 10, 2011

Nature Valley Granola At Mcdonalds

not infiltrated by the name of Ivan

do not support the resolution, approved by the Province of Sassari, which would subtract Alghero school autonomy. This would have many problems of organization and management for the different schools.

We therefore call for a meeting between the provincial government and the different school situations towns (from executives to teachers, through the ATA staff and students) in order to avoid the effects that this resolution would be for schools to Alghero.

We understand how the council and the commissioner of Public Instruction will be limited to implementing the consolidations because of directives from the region - in turn resulting from the reform Gelmini and cuts to education - but we do not understand for what why have not complained and the school community involved in a mobilization against the nefarious consequences of government policy on education.

We find quite remarkable that, finally, those political forces like the PDL, which have repeatedly defended the nearly 8 billion in cuts to public education made by the national government, now being converted into champions of school, only to be attacked because it would be of different political administration.
We have always spent on the defense of public education and continue to do so. Do not think "intermittently."

Student Resistance Alghero


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