Thursday, December 16, 2010

Protouch Gold Hair Straightener Chi

Students respond to the video-lettara Gelmini

Non era l’infiltrato.
Quel ragazzo col giubbotto marrone chiaro e la clava che ieri molti – fra cui la signed - like the infiltrate showed a minor is named Ivan. That's what all the official sources said today. It seems to me that before my eyes I have put a finger to stop me from looking at the moon. And I do not like. Because the photos did not pick up only undercover wrong, but also police officers with guns drawn. Wrong, too? However with this story we are force to be reckoned with. We have shown how to infiltrate a boy who had nothing to do. Grave, on our part. We have acted hastily and carelessly. I beg your pardon. But since the boy has nothing to do with the jacket, you have to believe that acts of violence are the exclusive fault of the students? I do not believe it. I think a wrong sequence of photos - among other things, published by the authoritative - \u200b\u200bcan not make the night day and day night. Summary.

throughout Italy in the past days the student movement has protested against an indecent university reform. He did so peacefully, among others, are beautiful, like the billboards that read the titles of so many masterpieces. They climbed on the roofs, made the rounds to withstand cold and tired, tried to enter the corridors of power. Always peacefully. Finally it's 14. A huge procession was marched for more than four hours without the slightest accident. Then suddenly we saw the guerrillas. Cars torched, smashed ATM, armored vehicles on fire, uprooted cobblestones. On average today's children of the movement and we are now all delinquentelli the usual left crying in the plot and keeps the snakes in his bosom. Saviano Republic is committed to a long sermon in which he says all the right things but that what happened has nothing to do absolutely niente.Lo know, Saviano, police and Interior Ministry who spoke on the day of infiltration, a black block? Why did they do when the black block has become the figment of imagination of a left sick, ambiguous, and feel-good tolerance toward violence?

I'm afraid that I have put your finger in front of the face serve to keep me (us) know what really happened. Look, I throw down hard: some students have committed acts of violence, some have even applauded, and have darkened with what they had done badly because of overtime in the past days. But the truth is not all, not just this one. Who, like me, look at a girls and boys parading, does not believe a little 'story to us today propinano some newspapers, most notably Europe and with joy the title "There were no infiltrates or troublemakers." So, we know that violence infiltrates movements and sometimes fails to be reinforced by anger. Tuesday something has happened because the anger unwieldy.

The attempt now is to close here, so that when the bill comes to the House Gelmini movement feels too beaten to continue the dispute. The bad policy, a film of absolute horror and comedy, will continue unabated his toys.

Manuela Palermi


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