Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dream About Baby Taking Bath


How many times we found ourselves at a crossroads of our lives not knowing what to do? How many times have we been doubtful, indecisive and insecure?
But unfortunately says Ernest Hemingway as " We must get used to the idea: the most important crossroads of life, not signs there. "
There is no sign, no signal to tell us what we do or not, we are always having to choose and understand what is right for us.
In every moment we face intersections, roads that are open and others that are closed temporarily for work in progress or in an irreversible manner. There is nothing to worry is simply life. A continued meeting / clash of streets, a labyrinth in which, in reality, we like to lose and then find ourselves at the end with those who want to be.
And sometimes afraid to make decisions, especially those most drastic for our lives. Of course it would certainly be much easier and less challenging if someone shows us the direction to follow the path that will lead us to be happy and to be realized as a people: but resign ourselves, there really is none.
We decide, we are the only and sole masters of our lives and our choices, indeed we are our choices. Often, however, is difficult to know what our path, that's right for us, the one that best represents us, in fact the right one.
It 's hard also because we do not understand what we really want , do not we focus on what really matters to us, losing between short-cuts, and round-sac streets that only distance us from our true goal. Instead dobbiamo avere il coraggio di scegliere, di assumerci le nostre responsabilità, di rischiare di sbagliare e di affrontare le conseguenze qualunque esse siano.
Signori miei, come si dice "non c'è trucco, non c'è inganno", ma solo strade da seguire, vedere, affrontare, conoscere e lasciare se sbagliate. Il solo trucco, forse, sta nel cercare di avere  sempre la giusta bussola  in tasca.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Funny Wedding Card Sayings

Simple Uploaders for Alfresco

NOTE: translation of the original article in English Uploaders simples en alfresco of Zylk.net . Thanks to Toni for reporting this article.

One of the most interesting features of the Alfresco ECM is the variety of protocols that allow you to authenticate and perform actions on the repository, through shared network drives or other APIs. This is mainly due to the use of standard, medium and long-term becomes a clear technological advantage over other more closed stack, and allows integration with all sorts of third-party tools. Among these protocols (and APIs), we can highlight: WebDAV, FTP, CIFS, NFS, IMAP, REST, SOAP e CMIS.

Ignorando le unità di rete CIFS e NFS e lasciando da parte per ora il metodo di caricare i dati tramite e-mail, possiamo creare uploaders tramite numerosi protocolli quali WebDAV, FTP, o REST con poco sforzo. Ad esempio, con il comando curl posso utilizzare il canale FTP come segue:
   curl -T sinadura3.tgz ftp://alfie.zylk.net/Alfresco/sinadura --user cesar:secret   
O meglio ancora, usare il canale WebDAV , che può garantire più sicurezza:
   curl -T sinadura3.tgz https://alfie.zylk.net/alfresco/webdav/sinadura --user cesar:secret   
Un'altra opzione layer is to use REST with a little script that calls curl to send the file in question:
  # / bin / bash # 

# Alfresco upload script with CURL by LouiSe@louise.hu

# # Usage : alfresco_uploader.sh

# #. / alfresco_uploader.sh / tmp / some.pdf somes documentLibrary somedir

ALFRESCO_SERVER = "http://alfie.zylk.net:8080/alfresco"
USERNAME = "cesar"
PASSWORD = "secret" #

CURL_VERBOSE =- v =- s =
FILENAME = `basename $ 1`
MIMETYPE = `file - brief - mime-type = $ 1`
UPLOAD_SERVICE_URL ALFRESCO_SERVER {$} / service / api / upload

echo "Uploading $ {FILENAME} ($ MIMETYPE) ALFRESCO_SERVER to $ {}"

CURL_VERBOSE} {$ curl-k-X $ CURL_METHOD} {\\
- user "$ {USERNAME }":"${ PASSWORD} "\\
-F Filedata = @ $ 1-F siteid =" $ 2 "-F containerid =" $ 3 "\\
-F uploaddirectory =" $ 4 "\\-F filename =" $ {FILENAME} "\\
-F ContentType = "$ {MIMETYPE}" "$ {UPLOAD_SERVICE_URL} \\
with a little script in python (with libraries
#! / Usr / bin / python import
from cmislib.model CmisClient
from sys import argv CmisClient client = ('http://alfie.zylk.net:8080/alfresco/service/cmis',' cesar ',' secret ') repo = client.defaultRepository someFolder repo.getObjectByPath ('/'+ = argv [2])
someFolder.getTitle ()
someFolder.getProperties ()
somefile = open (argv [1],' r ' )
someDoc someFolder.createDocument = (argv [1] = somefile contentFile)

or the equivalent in PHP: require_once

$repo_url = "http://alfie.zylk.net:8080/alfresco/service/cmis";
$repo_username = "cesar";
$repo_password = "secret";
$filename = $_SERVER["argv"][1];
$repo_folder = $_SERVER["argv"][2];

if ($repo_username == "alf_ticket") {
   $client = new CMISService($repo_url, null, null, array ( $repo_username => $repo_password ));  } else { 
$client = new CMISService($repo_url, $repo_username, $repo_password);

$myfolder = $client->getObjectByPath($repo_folder);
$ File = fopen ($ filename, "r");
$ contents = fread ($ file, filesize ($ filename));
$ fi = new finf (FILEINFO_MIME, '/ usr / share / file / magic');
$ mime_type = $ fi-> buffer (file_get_contents ($ filename));

fclose ($ file);

obj_doc $ = $ client-> createDocument ($ myfolder-> id, $ filename, array (), $ contents, $ mime_type);

Hunter Douglas Blinds Vs.bali Blinds

Hessa Hessa Both

My Sperm Is Yellowish And Smells Like Fish

How to create ringtones for iPhone with iTunes if the menu does not give the option "create AAC version"?

Tutti noi conosciamo il metodo per creare gratis suonerie per iPhone tramite iTunes 10, la rete è zeppa di istruzioni al riguardo. Ma cosa fare se quello che ci si presenta al clic del tasto destro del mouse è un menu SENZA l'opzione "crea versione AAC"?

Semplice! Andiamo nel  menu "preferenze" e clicchiamo su "generale", "impostazioni di importazione": 


Ora modifichiamo "importa utilizzando" e selezioniamo "codificatore AAC"

Confermiamo e chiudiamo. E come per magia.....

Ora non ci resta che seguire gli altri punti delle istruzioni!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hunter Douglas Blinds Vs.bally Blinds

Create the MySQL database for Alfresco Alfresco

E 'can proceed to create the MySQL database for Alfresco as follows:

1) Set MySQL to UTF-8

Edit / etc / mysql / my.cnf adding default -character-set = utf8 in the [mysqld] section:
# # ...

# default-character-set = utf8

2) Restart mysql, usually via / etc / init.d / mysql restart
  3) Login as root: mysql-u root-p 

4) perform following commands (assuming it has been previously created a database 'alfresco' with user 'alfresco'):

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON .* TO alfresco alfresco @ localhost IDENTIFIED BY ' alfresco ';
GRANT SELECT, LOCK TABLES ON .* TO alfresco alfresco @ localhost IDENTIFIED BY' alfresco ';


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Are Mens Stomachs Bigger Than Womens

Demonstration of solidarity for the peoples of North Africa also in Alghero

full press release:

spontaneous A committee of citizens, it is formed in towns and on the social network facebook under the name of solidarity with the peoples of the Maghreb, where not now when? .

In just over a week the group has a strong membership, now about 600 members who have joined the mobilization to organize a march in Alghero of solidarity for the peoples of North Africa. The recent violence against the people who bravely rose up against the decades-long yoke of their despotic leaders (not just in North Africa but also in China, Yemen, Oman ...) have led many citizens to question the serious lack of protection human rights and the desire for democracy and freedom beyond the Mediterranean. The Committee, spontaneous and free of party affiliations, have joined the citizens' associations in many religious and civil, and political movements of opinion, the Faculty of Architecture of Alghero and individuals who choose to meet for a moment of reflection, witness and commitment civil. The event si svolgerà giovedì 3 marzo con raduno e partenza da Piazza Sulis alle ore 18.30 , il corteo silenzioso si svilupperà nel centro storico cittadino per terminare con un sit-in in Piazza Teatro. Letture e musica etnica arricchiranno il momento comunitario nella piazza d’arrivo e daranno l’opportunità a tutti i partecipanti di intervenire con spunti di riflessione sui temi della mondialità e della peace.

The event is logically connected to Demonstration for the Rights of Migrants of Sassari held Tuesday afternoon in Sassari and many cities of Italy.

The event aims to involve sensitivity to Alghero and different affiliations, joining participants in the shared objective of protecting human rights, the dignity of peoples and mutual respect. The prolongation of the violence in Libya should not in any way lead us to become accustomed to the tragedies taking place, leading us to consider them as inevitable and far. For this reason, the spontaneous group will continue to work, not relegating the march Thursday in an isolated event but rather enhance it to support a strong reflection of Alghero and proactive in our community about our company, prepared to send military and humanitarian aid throughout the world, but often unable to understand their responsibilities in what is happening in our neighboring countries, but also in the door of our house.


Fermiamo il massacro in Libia. Pane, lavoro, democrazia, accoglienza.

Il Mediterraneo dei gelsomini”

C’è una Italia che si riconosce nella lezione di coraggio e dignità che arriva dal mondo arabo.

Il profumo dei gelsomini arriva anche nel nostro paese, anche nelle barche piene di giovani con la loro domanda future.

The message he brings with him tells us that it is not required to suffer the theft of the future, the seizure of democracy, nor the hunger for bread, work and freedom.

We confirm that you can take back control of their destiny, and together write a new history for their country and the world.

shows that the wind of change can be lifted where it seems even more difficult.

Today blows from a region of old and new colonialists robbed, oppressed by corrupt officials and sold, raped by war and terrorism, too often disputed, divided and humiliated.

Alzare la testa si può, anche quando costa immensamente caro, come il prezzo che il popolo libico sta pagando in queste ore per aver sfidato il dittatore.

Siamo tutti coinvolti da ciò che accade aldilà del mare. Le speranze e i timori, i successi e le tragedie delle sollevazioni arabe disegnano anche il nostro futuro.

Viviamo conficcati in mezzo al Mediterraneo ed è da qui che è sempre venuta gran parte della nostra storia.

Non possiamo restare in silenzio, …

Uniamo le nostre voci per chiedere la fine della repressione in Libia e in tutti gli altri paesi coinvolti dalla rivolta dei gelsomini, from Yemen to Bahrain as far afield as China.

to support democratic processes in Tunisia and Egypt, and the dismantling of the old regimes.

To strengthen democratic civil societies emerging from years of hiding and exile.

policies for real dialogue between cultures and to promote "cultural rights" of the people involved.

The revision of the unequal and unjust arrangements imposed by our economies to the previous regimes.

To the end of occupation and wars throughout the region.

To close the season of rejections and externalization of borders, the season of war migrants.

We want to migrants on the southern shore is, in this situation exceptional, immediately granted the status of temporary protection.

We can not accept that the reaction to Italian and European democratic revolutions in the Arab world and the construction of a wall of military ships at sea.

are adding to the dead in the streets these days is still too many, died at sea. It's time to say enough!

I ask everyone to sign this call, to make it run, to be heard

First signatories:

Andrea Camilleri, Luigi Ciotti, Margherita Hack, Dacia Maraini, Moni Ovadia, Igiaba Scego

Monday, February 28, 2011

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac Issue 1 Online Free

A victory in half. Expect that the measure is approved by the Regional Plan

hope that the demands of the school community of Alghero, on the plan size of school, are accepted by the county council.

Following the mobilization many students who have traveled the streets last Friday of the old town of Alghero, we learn welcome - albeit with due caution - as reporters from regional directors of Alghero.
Even if the city loses school autonomy, it is encouraging that the four executives to the city remains divided into three clusters: humanistic-scientific (Liceo classico, linguistic and artistic and scientific high school) , the Technical Institute (technical, commercial and industrial) and education (Institute for hospitality, professional and agricultural)

We now that the measure is approved by the Region.
do not rule out, otherwise, other mobilizations.

As the student movement we have always turned to defend the public school by the continuing attacks have come from different political realities.
Gelmini reform Yesterday, today, the provincial education plan dimensioning.
We also feel obliged to condemn the recent statements of the Prime Minister on the public school, where teachers accused of "inculcate" the principles that he believes go against those of their parents.

is so much to ask that the policy - any policy - dealing with school, not as something dangerous and to be destroyed slowly, but as something important on which to invest for the future of our country?

Student Resistance Alghero

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How Many Monsters Can A Kid Have

Install in text mode on Linux servers

The new Alfresco installer will install BitRock for the product together with all ancillary components (JVM, Tomcat, MySQL, OpenOffice, Imagemagick, ...) very easily and quickly.
But often you need to install Alfresco on a machine that has no GUI, but which can only be accessed remotely via the terminal in characters, such as ssh and scp. In this case, either you give up using the installer and instead proceed to the manual installation and configuration of all the individual components, or you can easily continue to use its text mode installer. Below is a description how to proceed.

In our case, we describe a particular installation on a remote server
Ubuntu Linux 4.10 (Lucid) 64-bit. ( ).

1) Download the installer (or
Community Enterprise) for the operating system and make it executable chmod + x alfresco-enterprise-installer-3.4.0-linux-x64.bin

2) Display available from the command line, using the parameter - help ./alfresco-enterprise-3.4.0-installer-linux-x64.bin - help
A list of options:

The option that interests you
- mode \u0026lt;mode>
. The default mode is

./alfresco-enterprise-3.4.0-installer-linux-x64.bin - text-mode - installer-language giving it sending part of the installation process, which poses a series of questions about the components to install and use on ports. Since in this demonstration we decided not to install Alfresco as root but using a normal user, you must select ports above 1024. Normally, on a test or production environment, it is good practice to create a dedicated user and group for Alfresco, by providing the necessary privileges to use all ports.
The home screen:

mauri @ ubuntu10-laptop: ~ $ ./alfresco-enterprise-3.4.0-installer-linux-x64.bin - Text mode - installer-language en
------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Welcome to the program installation of Alfresco Enterprise ------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -
Select the components you want to install, uncheck the components you do not
want. Click Next when you are ready to continue.
MySQL: Y (Can not be edited)
Java: Y (Can not be edited)
Alfresco: Y (Can not be edited)
SharePoint [Y / n]: y
Records Management [Y / n]: n Web Quick
Start [Y / n]: y
Web Project Management (AVM) [Y / n]: n
Quickr Connector Support [Y / n]: n
OpenOffice [Y / n]: y
The selection and 'correct? [Y / n]: y

We proceed with the selection of doors, after choosing the option "Advanced" menu in the Installation Type:

--------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----

Installation Type

[1] Easy - Installs servers with the default configuration
[2] Advanced - Configures server ports and service properties
Choose an option [1]: 2

Here you must choose a folder where to install Alfresco and MySQL database if you use the attachment, or an existing installation. In this case we prefer to use MySQL on Ubuntu, so you can manage yourself
------------------------------- --------------------------------------
Installation Folder

Please choose a folder to install Alfresco Enterprise.

Select a folder [/ home/mauri/alfresco-3.4.0]

---------------------------------------------- -----------------------
Database Installation

Please select Which database configuration you wish to use. If you select an existing database Should you configure the application before running the Alfresco Alfresco server.

[1] I wish to use the bundled MySQL database
[2] I wish to use an existing database
Choose an option [1]: 2

E 'Note that the JDBC URI proposal The default is false. Replace then later in the configuration file alfresco-global.properties
jdbc: mysql: / / localhost / alfresco? UseUnicode = yes #38 characterEncoding=UTF-8

& characterEncoding=UTF-8 Procediamo quindi fino alla fine, rispondendo alle domande poste. Alla fine partirà il processo di installazione vero e proprio

Il programma d'installazione e' pronto per installare Alfresco Enterprise sul
tuo pc.
Vuoi continuare? [Y/n]: y

Attendere prego, mentre Alfresco Enterprise e'installato sul tuo computer.

 0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%

Al termine della procedura è necessario andare a controllare che il file alfresco-global.properties sia configurato correttamente (è il file più importante e si trova sotto
tomcat/shared/classes ). Da notare che è raccomandato che MySQL sia configurato per usare il charset UTF-8. Per la corretta configurazione e creazione database are available online
excellent guides. Wanting to use a JVM other than bundled with Alfresco, you can rename the folder such as Java present in the Alfresco installation folder, then create a symbolic link to the JDK already on your machine. In this case, having installed the latest Sun JDK for Linux and having $ JAVA_HOME = / usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun you can issue the following command:
ln-s / usr / lib / jvm / java-6-sun java the start Alfresco will use this instead of the integrated JVM, if that's what you want. Make sure that this is but one version of JVM from among those certified and supported, or may cause problems.
file tomcat / bin / setenv.sh
can then be edited to change the JAVA_OPTS
and optimize (knowing exactly what you're doing), the parameters of the Java Virtual Machine. To get started you should first read a good document topic.

finished, to start Alfresco, it is useful to have suffered an eye on the logs, then you can run the following command:
. / Alfresco.sh start: tail-f tomcat / logs / catalina.out
UPDATE: I added the instructions to create the database mysql


Friday, February 25, 2011

Jenna Jameson In The Restaurant

school students in the square

Alghero students demonstrating against the provincial plan for downsizing of schools.

No Gba Cheats Pokemon Fire Red

Marco Mura (Alghero RS) on the provincial plan on the school

Statement by Marco Mura (Student Resistance Alghero) on the provincial plan on the school

Monday, February 14, 2011

Clipart Of Micrometer

Introducing Alfresco Enterprise 3.4

These are the slides of the presentation of Alfresco Enterprise 4.3 online webinar taking place during the February 14, 2011.
will soon be available on Alfresco complete recording audio and video in Italian Webex session: http://www.alfresco.com/it/about/events/ondemand/ Alfresco Enterprise 3.4 ita

View more presentations from mkjsix .

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Much Do Cheap Quinceaneras Cost

If not now when? - The event in Alghero Joan and her children finally have a home

service Alguer.it on the event "If not now when?" Alghero.
were also interviewed Frank Iacono and Angelica Ortu of Student Resistance


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Are Mens Stomachs Bigger Than Women's

The MOS remembers "The pink triangles" A

Student Resistance Movement wish to join the event If not now when? "organized by women to defend their dignity as human beings.

As the student movement we have in our founding principles of the struggle for self-determination of women against gender violence and injustice.
not longer tolerate the female image offered by television, advertising, newspapers and, unfortunately, even some top government officials, which should give a good example.

share, then, what is written in the appeal to mobilization of Italian women and urge all citizens and all citizens, whatever their nationality, to participate February 13 number in the parade which will start from Piazza Sulis at 17:00, headed for the Piazza Civica.

Student Resistance Alghero

Nature Valley Granola At Mcdonalds

not infiltrated by the name of Ivan

do not support the resolution, approved by the Province of Sassari, which would subtract Alghero school autonomy. This would have many problems of organization and management for the different schools.

We therefore call for a meeting between the provincial government and the different school situations towns (from executives to teachers, through the ATA staff and students) in order to avoid the effects that this resolution would be for schools to Alghero.

We understand how the council and the commissioner of Public Instruction will be limited to implementing the consolidations because of directives from the region - in turn resulting from the reform Gelmini and cuts to education - but we do not understand for what why have not complained and the school community involved in a mobilization against the nefarious consequences of government policy on education.

We find quite remarkable that, finally, those political forces like the PDL, which have repeatedly defended the nearly 8 billion in cuts to public education made by the national government, now being converted into champions of school, only to be attacked because it would be of different political administration.
We have always spent on the defense of public education and continue to do so. Do not think "intermittently."

Student Resistance Alghero

Bad Blood By Calanthe


The truth, gentlemen, is that no one likes to know the truth.
Why? Simple: the truth is painful, strong, bitter, hard and heavy.
There slams in your face like a huge pile on which we are going to hit by mistake. We burn in, especially when it is unexpected when he takes us by surprise and we do not find a way to defend ourselves. But the truth, when we can do evil, it is essential in our lives. The world can not be found only on illusions, appearances and lies, otherwise it would be only a distorted view of reality and there would be no truth that is worth living. And as they say, "Better a reality that kills, that's a lie that deceives." Yes, because in truth there may injure, kill and leave some small mark or burn, eventually passes, we can live with it and move on. But there is no remedy for the lie: it consumes slowly and does not leave us way out.
So even if sometimes the truth hurts us, surprises us, frightens us, disarms us not giving us the ability to protect us in any so, it is best to know how, rather than being kept in the dark.
It 's always better to tell the truth that a lie, sometimes tell the truth you need to move forward, Sometimes we tell someone to get rid of it, other times we say because it seems the only possible solution, the others say because we feel it is right to do so and some times we reveal that we should desire to account for ourselves.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Making Of Homemade Toy Motor Boat

We want the truth!

Today, February 3, 2011, in Naples near Piazza Cavour, was attacked by a fellow Students Union of Fascists and a dozen tore the posters that said "The leader we are" that some day adorn the walls of the center. Asked by one of them "What are you doing?" Comrade claimed anti-fascist nature of our Constitution. At that point, was surrounded and attacked with fists and slaps in the face. Aggression that bears witness once again the cowardice of those who move in the shadows and attacks against 1 in 10 of those who profit from the global crisis to raise his head, protected by a government through its policies only serves to legitimize these vile attacks. We assert our nature Antifascism and then invite the students and all citizens to reject the existence of fascist and neo-fascist groups in our city.

Antifascism NAPOLI!

Unione degli Studenti Napoli

Unione degli Studenti Campania

Link Napoli

Rete della Conoscenza Campani a

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Grecian Formula In Singapore

not fall for it!

Il tasso di disoccupazione giovanile (15-24 anni) a dicembre è salito al 29% dal 28,9% di novembre, segnando così un nuovo record, si tratta, infatti, del livello più alto dall’inizio delle serie storiche mensili, ovvero dal gennaio del 2004. Il tasso di disoccupazione giovanile aumenta così di di 0,1 punti percentuali rispetto al mese precedente e di 2,4 punti percentuali rispetto a dicembre 2009. Lo comunica l’Istat in base a dati destagionalizzati e a stime provvisorie.

Il tasso di disoccupazione generale invece è rimasto stabile: a dicembre si è attestato all’8,6%, lo stesso livello già registrato a novembre (rivisto al ribasso dall’8,7%), in aumento di 0,2 punti percentuali rispetto a dicembre 2009. Il numero delle persone in cerca di occupazione a dicembre risulta, rispetto a novembre, in diminuzione dello 0,5%, ovvero di 11 mila unità, una discesa dovuta esclusivamente alle women. Also, the number of people employed in the economy remains unchanged, with a stable employment rate to 57% on a monthly basis.

Istat engineers explain that "at the close of 2010 the conditions of the labor market appears a little more serene, from autumn employment has stopped falling and unemployment in the last two months, November and December, took to fall. The only thing that jars - add - and youth unemployment, which once again to scale back positions, marking a new record.''


Crossdressing Skirt Suit

Alghero, Funeral of Education - Video

It's called "The Contract - talented people."

is the new television program and is led by former La7 Hyena Sabrina Nobile.

In a time when the work has become increasingly precarious and unemployment is growing more and more (reaching 28.9% *, + 2.4% compared to November 2009) the television network of Telecom Italy has had the " brilliant" idea to create a format, produced by the production company Verve Multimedia, which allows you to win a permanent contract at a company.

The program takes place in this way: the number of companies will choose to take after an interview in the studio, a candidate from which three will be assigned precisely the agreement indefinitely.

short, one of the few TV networks that still was not sharp fall in the reality or the like, will broadcast a program that will certainly be revolutionary.

is a sign of a society that sees anything with the eye of the profit, of commodification and spectacle.

work, that our Constitution enshrines the right as well as the foundation of our Republic, do not have one more per meriti, ma in base a quanto si "buca" lo schermo.

E pazienza se hai passato tutta la giovinezza a studiare per preparati al meglio, non solo per essere un cittadino che pensa, ma anche per il mondo del lavoro, perché tanto ormai, il lavoro lo si vince. Come lo si vinceva in un noto supermercato, lo si vince in tv.

Quanto ancora dobbiamo cadere in basso? Quanto ancora le persone devono diventare merce? Quanto ancora dobbiamo venderci?

Tutto è profitto. Lo è la scuola, lo sono i diritti dei lavoratori, lo è anche il diritto al lavoro.

E l'ultimo esempio eclatante sono i ricatti subiti dai lavoratori Fiat per opera di Marchionne.

Dobbiamo chiarire something. These are the effects of a moral crisis and political system.

Indeed, everything comes from a systemic crisis. From a political-economic system which, as I wrote, its only objective is to make profit. It is capitalism.

We must oppose this disintegration of society. We must oppose an economic system like capitalism, which has the effect to bring out the soul of the cruelest people. To enrich the few and impoverish the many. To lose the dignity to those who want only that it be granted a right: to have a job.

Marco Mura

* Istat indicates that youth unemployment in December rose to 29%, compared to 28.9% in November

also available on: http://fgci- alghero.blogspot.com/2011/02/vincere-un-contratto-tempo.html? spref = fb

Monday, January 31, 2011

Milena Velba And Miosotis Cops

Funeral of Education - Press Release

Gelmini YouTube spread by the subjects chosen for the second test of the maturity of 2011. For more information, visit the website www.istruzione.it

Monday, January 24, 2011

Explainrizal's Blueprint For Nation Building

Alghero, Funeral of Education

The young mother of Alghero who with his small children were forced to live in a cold, dark garage, has found a home. The first words of Joan.

[Read the article Alguer.it ]

by Alguer.it

Friday, January 21, 2011

Venue Contract Template

Elias Vacca meets students

January 27 is the day of remembrance, in memory of that January 27, 1945 when troops of the Soviet Army entered the camp Auschwitz concentration and reveal to the world the horror of the Nazi genocide.

E 'cliché think of Nazi persecution only to the Jews, which was certainly the majority of prisoners, but forgetting that in those camps were many people who lost their lives. For each category or group people the Germans had established as a badge of recognition, a colored triangle. Green for criminals, red for political prisoners, brown for Gypsies, black for anti-social, pink for homosexuals.

And homosexuals were subjected to a double persecution inside the camp were also discriminated against by fellow prisoners, and after the war and the liberation from Nazism, the survivors had to hide just passed since the tragedy that paragraph 175, the German law prohibiting homosexual relations, remained in force through the Nazi for 24 years and, in milder form, until 1979.

E' anche per questo che il triangolo rosa divenne uno dei simboli del movimento di liberazione omosessuale che cominciò a riformarsi dopo i noti fatti di Stonewall nel 1969.

Il Movimento Omosessuale Sardo intende colmare questa lacuna e ricordare le vittime dimenticate, coloro che anche dopo la fine del nazismo continuarono ad essere perseguitati ed incarcerati per il solo fatto di essere omosessuali.


Monogram Wedding Welcome Bag Message


not things always go exactly as we want. Often we are disappointed, angry, discouraged, disheartened, but sometimes things can go even better than we expected. Only the fact that often we slam in the face like a wall and we do not know how to shoot, how to react to the blow.
It 'hard to find the strength when you know you've got it all set, when you know it was not fair that went out this way, but unfortunately that's life: it is, you go, you change, you will suffer and laugh. Things are constantly changing, certainly not always the right way, but we can not expect our lives every moment is a photograph in bright colors; it happens that sometimes took a photo in black and white, and there's nothing wrong with that. The smell of old black and white, precious, of mystery, of secrets, of elegance, but especially in black and white you can see the moment you turn into color, emotions, joy, lightheartedness. There is nothing to worry about if at some point we feel like the black and white photographs that nobody wants to see or show, sooner or later buy back color, hue and resume all the details and nuances and then we will be almost imperceptible photos better, brighter pictures suitable for framing.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Mens Brazillian Montreal


Tutti cerchiamo l'amore e lo cerchiamo a tutti costi perchè siamo come  calamite in cerca del polo opposto, siamo come attratti da quel pezzettino mancante nel nostro puzzle, da quell'altro piccolo tassello che ci permetta di funzionare meglio. Ma si cade nell'errore quando si rincorre l'amore per forza, quando ci si illude di vederlo anche dove non c'è, si finisce allora solo con ritrovarsi a terra a raccogliere i cocci. 
Love, like everything beautiful, do you want .. but do not despair ever, will come along, and then change everything. And not because we do or say things we might see some sentimental or birds singing sweet melodies, no love is something more concrete, more tangible, you immediately feel like a vice in the stomach.
When he finally comes knocking at our door, we recognize him because we will find someone to complete us, someone who makes us dream merely whispered little words to the ear, someone who forget about the world around us when we are with him, someone who tells us that He loves us gently and softly, that makes us feel important only provide a few little extra attention and that with simple gestures make us understand what he feels. Love is not easy and when you're in love, there is always a bit afraid because it becomes more fragile, more vulnerable and more exposed to shocks, but not to be given up. At the bottom is normal, opening up to someone else, you inevitably risk of being more disappointed and hurt feelings, but always worth the risk. Because when you're with him, when you look in your eyes when you're in his arms, when suddenly takes your face in his hands, there is no feeling in the world more beautiful. When you fall in love, there are no words to explain, only feelings.
looks like a spring sun, it seems the pungent smell of seawater, it seems that the freshness of rain, the smell seems Lavender, looks like a summer evening, it seems the smell of hot coffee, cold sand appears on the skin, looks like a sincere smile, looks like a kiss, it seems a race on the beach, looks like the color of the sea, it seems the sound of a lullaby, like a hug, it seems that in heaven there are one thousand fireworks.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Escorts For Woen Saujdia Arabia

My trip to Jordan!