Monday, September 13, 2010

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I that writing is a right for all .. and I now feel that it's up to me. I think we all basically feel the need to write .. so we can all say what we think no one can stop us .. without the frantic rush of the world prevents us from concluding our discourse.
I think that writing allows us to think better, live better .. and I think that ultimately we all want to learn how to do it, just that we have too much fear.
When I happen to have a bad day, when words are not enough, when I feel I must throw out everything I broke in, just take a piece of paper and a pen is all I need. I do not know if this is for you, but I love writing. It 'a river of words flowing in you, is a stream of thoughts that goes through you, excites you, you charged and you always have to pour in a sheet. And you feel that it is never enough. In life we \u200b\u200bdedicate enough time to others, to reflect, to ourselves, but I think that writing about us, what surrounds us, what upsets us, what terrifies us, what makes us fall in love with what it opens the heart .. Well I think that modesty is the best way to use our time.


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