Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How To Get A Job As An Nba Court Sweeper

Just Run.

Correre . Il vento ti sfiora delicatamente il viso, una brezza leggera ti agita i capelli, du e cuffiette nelle orecchie e una nota sulle labbra. Corri . I piedi oramai fanno parte della strada e la strada fa parte di te. Non ti importa dove sei, dove andrai, chi sei o cosa vuoi. Corri . Non matter what the goal, just run. Do not mind being dressed up, do not mind being made up: how much you're out of touch. Run. not you hear nothing, feel nothing, the world is on standby and you're finally alone with yourself. Run. The world around is just background and you are finally free from it all. Do you feel alive, you feel strong, feel even more tired, but the only thing that matters is to run as long as you have breath in my body, until you feel the need. Run. E 'another dimension, a different atmosphere in which there is only you and your music. The world now you seem so far away, so far, so harmless. Run. You have no thoughts, the mind is free from any worry or anxiety. You stop . The race is over. The wind starts to drop and now it's time to play and press again to return to the world.


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