Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lots Of Cervical Mucus Right Before Period

Talker and doer

"Action springs not from thought, But from a readiness for responsibility." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

here I am again! I never thought this blog could get so many hits in so few days so thanks to all those who read and those who have also commented so kindly.

After the credits, we come to the point: I have a job interview tomorrow! Yesterday I finally sent the dossier to the WEP. After two weekends to complete it is now almost entirely strange to spend some 'time at the computer without have windows of Word open with the letter of recommendation from continuing to update, and I still have to get used to seeing the desk that no swag with sheets of questions to be answered and options to cross. When I received the dossier I remember I was super excited and I was looking forward to getting to work to finish it, but with each passing day and with the accumulation of new commitments I started to procrastinate and get home after school and find still need to complete all the paperwork had become a torment. It was about the same questions, wondering if my answer was right and every day I changed my mind about quello che volevo scrivere. Alla fine però sono arrivata alla conclusione che non c'è una risposta giusta e man mano che completavo un foglio lo rimettevo al suo posto senza più riprenderlo in mano e farmi venire ulteriori dubbi. Tolta questa preoccupazione, rimaneva quella relativa ai fogli da far completare agli altri. Ci ho messo secoli a riavere tutti i documenti da far firmare ai miei genitori, al dottore e a professori vari; fortunatamente adesso è tutto finito e spero di aver fatto ogni cosa correttamente così da non dovermi più far venire l'ansia.

Un po' di preoccupazione rimane however, for the interview. Tomorrow I and Jade, one of my best friends and possibly future exchange student (if it passes the interview with the psychologist, of course!), we go to Milan and, after a bit 'of shopping will serve as encouragement, we will subject to the dreaded test on which depend our participation in the program. Reading other blogs on the impact it had on test Slep other guys I'm still rather confused ideas about what I expected, it is comforting to know that this time tomorrow it will be over!
is the day when I received the e-mail confirming the WEP that I keep thinking about tomorrow. I wonder if it can be careful, clear and coherent as I set out to be, or whether the unrest will prevail on me and I'll be spontaneous, responding impulsively without thinking before speaking. This happens to me often, but this time must not happen. I feel ready to face this challenge will not be easy but that is why I hope I can already start now to demonstrate my skills and my motivation.
Well, I just have to wait for tomorrow still think I can do it. In the end I got this far thanks to my determination and my resourcefulness, the outcome of the meeting, if all goes well, I will try, and this depends only on me.

We'll update soon,


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